Denny Amrithagiri

Dear World

Life learnings lovingly shared.

Here are my life learnings and insights lovingly shared with all my beloved ones to help make your life journey smoother, alertful, and fruitful.

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Journey of Realization

I chased the shadows of fleeting delights,
A life of indulgence, devoid of light.
My spirit, weary, my body worn,
A vessel cracked, a soul forlorn.
Wrong ties, wrong thoughts, wrong paths led me astray,
Sick and sad, I wandered each day.
Yet deep within, a whisper took flight,
“Rise up, change your path, reclaim your light.”
Move from sorrow to hope, grievance to grace;
From fear to courage, find your rightful place.
Choose associates with wisdom and care,
Stay with those who love you, selfless and rare.
Avoid those who only take and demand;
Be free of their grip, take life in your hand.
Repay the world for the blessings you’ve known,
Let good deeds guide the seeds you have sown.

A New Dawn

The art of kintsugi teaches us to rebuild life beautifully,
Embracing the cracks and patches left by past challenges.
These imperfections are filled with the wisdom and golden lessons learned from failures,
Creating a stronger, more meaningful, and purposeful foundation.
True happiness lies not in prized possessions,
But in the joy that grows when shared and realized.
Celebrate life, and let others celebrate too;
In shared joy, find purpose anew.
Look within, discover your true self,
Wisdom, character, and life's real wealth.
The time has come to live with strength and might,
To nurture health and character upright.
To lift the helpless, to share and care,
To spread the abundance that life makes fair.
Open up eyes and see the hope of rays,
Be happy, embrace life's new days.

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Read through my visions and views

" Prioritize good character and good health; wealth will naturally follow "

- Denny Amrithagiri

My Learnings

May these reflections and visions bring clarity and joy to your path.

Dear World,
Siblings of the Human Family

May all holy lands, spiritual hubs, and great human gatherings Mahakumbh, Jerusalem, Mecca, the Vatican, the Holy Himalayas, Mount Fuji, and beyond be revered as sacred spaces where humanity and the divine unite. May these centers of devotion, wisdom, and unity ignite compassion, enlightenment, and guide us on a collective journey toward lasting peace. Let us also celebrate our own homelands. In every region such as India, a land richly adorned with diverse sacred sites and divine ideologies we are reminded that supreme power transcends the bounds of space. Whether expressed in ancient temples, vibrant pilgrimage festivals, or the quiet majesty of nature, these sanctuaries inspire us to cherish and uphold our shared humanity. May every soul be blessed, and may peace prevail on Earth. This is the need of the hour in this era of Kaliyuga. It calls for prayers and spiritual gatherings of humanity, for only through collective devotion and unity can we pave the way for world peace.

The Divine Unity of Devotion, Patriotism, and Humanity

The universe is not separate from the divine it is the divine. A supreme, boundless energy pervades all existence, transcending gods, forms, and human-made divisions. This eternal truth resonates through Bharat’s Vedas, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Pantheism, and all great spiritual traditions each offering glimpses of the same cosmic reality.The essence of all religions and holy texts is love, peace, kindness, and humanity. The strong must uplift the weak, and harmony must guide our path. True spirituality is not about worshiping a separate deity but realizing that we are part of the divine, and the divine is within us.Devotion (Bhakti) Instills PatriotismYour love and passion for God is devotion (bhakti). True devotion naturally leads to love and care for fellow beings, forming the foundation of patriotism. A devoted heart embraces not just the divine but also the sovereignty and well-being of one’s nation. Patriotism is not just a duty it is next to godliness.The path to global harmony and peace lies in honoring three universal devotions (bhakti) toward our three mothers:
1. Janani Mata – Our biological mother, who bestows life, unconditional love, and selfless sacrifice.
2. Desh Mata – Our mother nation, whose land nurtures, protects, and shapes our identity.
3. Bhoomi Mata – Our Mother Earth, who sustains all beings and ecosystems in a delicate balance.At Amrithagiri, we uphold this eternal wisdom blending patriotism, spirituality, and service to cultivate a world where love for one’s nation leads to love for all humanity and the divine.May devotion and patriotism unite all hearts, bringing lasting peace on Earth.